Shadowing A Physical Therapist

At Therapydia Denver, we enjoy having PT students shadow us to see what life is like in an outpatient physical therapy clinic. Last month, Taylor, a prospective PTA student, was at our clinic to shadow both Casey and Josh and here’s what her experience was like:

“I’ve always wanted to have a job in the healthcare field. My senior year of high I decided that my career path came down to two options, nursing or physical therapy assisting. After volunteering at a nursing home I realized that I could not do bodily fluids on a regular basis and decided to pursue a career in physical therapy. Over my spring break I shadowed Casey and Josh at Therapydia Denver. While they both had slightly different approaches to physical therapy, what amazed me the most was their knowledge of the human body. They knew exactly what was wrong when a patient described their pain and how to help. It was astounding. Out of the three shadowing opportunities I have done this was the most interactive by far. Both Casey and Josh explained what the patient was coming in for, their techniques for treatment and how this treatment will help the patient. This deepened my knowledge of the human body and also the world of physical therapy. I am definitely grateful for Casey and Josh taking the time to teach me and give me the most hands on experience. I will be applying for the PTA program at ACC this spring for the fall program, with an even greater desire to work in this field. I want to get my life started and have a real job for a while and maybe later on go back to school to further my career in this field.”

If you’re a medical student or medical professional who is interested is seeing what physical therapy is like at Therapydia Denver, contact us at